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It’s just a pity that this peace has been shattered today. With a loud cry, Lu Li suddenly wok…

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I do not know the years in the mountains, and the feeling of cultivating and growing stronger all th…

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After saying these two words, Han three thousand froze for a moment, and only then did he regret to …

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This night, the rose petals of the Crystal restaurant wafted all night, compared with the sensationa…

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“Do you know how I feel when I hear that?” Han 3000 held Su Yingxia tightly in his arms …

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“You prepared it?” Crystal restaurant, go to the front of the three thousand Sue Ying su…

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Su also Han frowns, the room she is in is the best place to see, but because there is a certain dist…

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Han 3000 turned around and made a gentleman’s salute to Su Yingxia. Sue Yingsummer early with …

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With the melodious sound of the piano, the amplification effect of the crystal restaurant almost mad…


“Ying Xia, indeed Han 3000 asked me to bring you here.” Shen Lingyao admitted that a ine…
