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In the evening, do not worry about what girl fans find, do not worry about what they will be very sudden, men do not like to go shopping alone, but shopping habits, you will find that shopping does not enter a variety of shops just looking at the crowd is very interesting things, especially in a kind of appreciation of the point of view to see the beauty in and out of a variety of shops, this is a very weird thing.微信投票买票,会不会被发现?

Although Bruce has a few women, and can even make a strong company at any time, but those more is boring, love is different from jade, once Bruce is very infatuated, but three big dogs a few words gave him to think, of course, there is a Fei er’s behavior to Bruce hurt, no one knows Bruce’s wound, he did not have any mood to say, Phyle in Bruce’s initial but played a great role, she taught Bruce the bold can push down the goddess in the heart, the greater can completely do not care about other people’s opinions and places, but Phyle gave Bruce the first night after going to New York, the two contact is weak.

