tivation state.微信投票10块钱100票

These three guys in the land from the release of the deep blue pearl cultivation one by one also have a pattern to learn the land from the appearance of the pearl Yang snake head into cultivation state.微信投票10块钱100票

Even if Lu had just put away the deep blue pearl at this time, these three guys were still in a state of intoxication.

Three snakes like drunk general, squinting eyes, head with the mountain wind a swing, just looking at Lu Li felt some funny.

And on one side of these three ‘little snakes’, the so-called’ little blue sparrow ‘was also in a big tree on the outside of the small lake.

Its PAWS firmly grasped the trunk of a large tree, and the whole bird’s eyes were closed and its head tilted toward the direction of the sky from which the land had previously released a deep blue jewel.

In some kind of psychic vision, it is clear that countless fog particles are being sucked into its small nasal cavity, and even a small fog vortex forms above the nasal cavity of its beak.

