he road?”线上拉票话术

After returning to Jin’s home after school in the evening, Xiang evening met Ma Yao at the door.

Ma Yao received her to help her take down the bag, looked at her holding in her hand to write densely packed notebook, smiling: “See the problem on the road?”线上拉票话术

“Yes. Having nothing to do, I turned over the problems I had learned during the day.”

On the road to sit for a while, usually late night is a sleep back, but recently abnormal interest in mathematics, and even some can not stop, in the car while nothing to do she will be the day Qin book and Jian Sifan told her about the problem out of review, after the car also did not into the bag, so in the hand.

Ma Yao showed a smile on her face: “What is the goal of late recently?”

