
It was a long time before the phone was hung up. Ma Yao’s face showed no emotion.

Thinking of Xiang Wanwan’s troublemaking physique, Jin Xiyan asked, “What happened to Xiang Wanwan at school?”

Ma Yao put the phone away, a little embarrassed: “the habit of laughing, our little girl is a little disobedient.”

More than a little disobedience.网络拉票有什么方法吗

But thinking of Xiang Wanwan’s serious and irritating little appearance, Jin Xiyan did not know why his heart was a little soft.

Guess she must have caused some trouble at school again, or the teacher wouldn’t have called the parents to tell them.

Jin Xiyan, who rarely meddles, suddenly said, “She is still young, and it is understandable that she is not obedient during the rebellious period. Fortunately, she has a strong ability to distinguish between good and bad things, and will not take the wrong road.”

