to stop it.”网络拉票有什么方法可以举报

Seeing that she seemed to be busy, Jin Xiyan got up to go back upstairs.

“Hello, Miss Huang, could you tell me what happened in the school?”

Listening to Ma Yao’s words, Jin Xiyan paused for a moment and sat down on the sofa again.

Huang Yan on the phone was about to say something, but stopped: “There is one thing, I don’t know whether to say it or not, I just suspect, but I am afraid it is true, and it will be too late to stop it.”网络拉票有什么方法可以举报

“What is it?” Ma Yao stopped her pen and looked a little serious.

The person on the other end of the phone did not know what to say, Ma Yao has been answering.

