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‘Watch your hands, Sir! Delis opened the door first, but soon saw a scene: the professor’s hand had actually reached into the assistant’s stomach, and twisted the inappropriate assistant’s chest.

“I was helping her ease!” Affleck? Polly blushed, but he was a very thick-skinned man. Then he touched the young assistant several times, and the young assistant vomited all over the floor. Then he washed the woman’s face with water, and pressed her on the head several times.

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“Believe in the strength of authority, as long as the patient’s brain is not dead, I can cure!” Perhaps the two of them had been passionate for a long time, and then they stood in front of Delis as if nothing had happened.

“Then go quickly!” Delis grabbed the young assistant and ran. In the short two minutes he could see that the old man was nervous about the young assistant.

