lower wind.微信投票刷1000票多少钱

Qin Yi looked at the green dragon that clearly occupied the upper hand just now, because of the appearance of the avenue of shadow, the instant changed from the upper hand to the lower wind.微信投票刷1000票多少钱

Qin Yi’s eyes flashing golden light, analyze out the flower shadow before the secret of the ancestral display.

“Just now, the old grandfather of the flower shadow communicated with the Wolf Avenue, and with the neutralization and adjustment of the Wolf Avenue, the two avenues came at the same time, and the problem of mutual compatibility between the tracks was realized.”

Just see through the flower shadow of the old ancestor’s secret art, it is impossible to perform ah.

He is not the Merwolf clan, if he communicates the Merwolf Avenue, it is simply a sheep into the mouth of the tiger, there is no return.

“But knowing how it works is a big bonus.”

