ad some doubts.微信刷票

Saying that Lu Wan had just come down from the city wall, he planned to arrange manpower to go to the place where Mangdangshan cut off the snake, but Xiao He suddenly stopped him.

“Huh? Xiao He, you have a problem?” Lu Wan had some doubts.微信刷票

Xiao He did not deceive, but said bluntly: “Mangdangshan party, let me go this time, I have just agreed with Ji brother.”

“You’re going?”

Lu wan is somewhat confused.

“What difference does it make if I go and you go? Do you have any other business?”

Xiao He smiled and said bluntly, “No, I think you should know that I know some methods of Buddhism?” Although I only know some superficial facial expressions, I still have some grasp in feng shui.”

