e him slowly.”微信投票十元一千票真的假的

Lu Chen smiled and said, “These old guys really have sons. If their son suddenly dies, will the old guys jump up and down and attack the formation directly?”

“When the time comes, we will catch them all in one net, and Fang Changlin will stay still, and this guy is alert and will not rashly attack the formation, and there is still a long time to torture him slowly.”微信投票十元一千票真的假的

“This is the map of the seven absolute sword array, which is my gift to you.” Lu Dust took out a thing from the Na ring and threw it to Left Qiu Chan.

“Seven swords array” left Qiu Zen shocked, a quick glance, and then, the eyes as if rooted in the array above the same, that a complex, profound array pattern, so left Qiu Zen infatuated.

